No further

Short documentary film, 13 min, 2024.

"Monday morning. Not a wink. My thoughts are spinning.”

Never before have so many been ill for so long. Of stress damaged brains and bodies.

A short poetic documentary film about illness. About a struggle in solitude. But also a dream of togetherness. Based on social media posts, notes and interviews with women in Sweden who have become chronically ill due to exhaustion.

Soundtrack on spotify:

Director, script, cut Andja Arnebäck. Script Karin Vikberg. Photograper Örjan Möller. Voice Åsa Nordgren, Anna Johansen. Music Rasmus Ohlander, Sebastian Sandberg. Sound design Erik Jeppsson. 

INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE OCTOBER 2024. Raleigh Film and Art Festival, North Carolina, USA.

Director's statement 

17 October 2023, the Swedish insurance fund - Försäkringskassan - writes that there are a record number of sick leave due to stress. And that there have never before been so many people on sick leave.

Försäkringskassan writes that there are known causes – structural problems in female-dominated industries. That an important explanation for high sickness absence is an imbalance between demands and resources.

I wanted to try to tell about a condition/ state in Sweden. That so many women spend years of their lives sick at home. In their beds. Due to stress.

I tried to find a form that would fit the exhaustion and at the same time give some kind of hope. 

I wanted to find an expression in the film that felt universal and not so private. As these are experiences that are shared by so many.

Här var det stopp

Kort dokumentärfilm, 13 min, 2024.

"Måndag morgon. Inte en blund. Tankarna far runt."

Kortfilm utifrån intervjuer med kvinnor som blivit långtidssjuka i utmattning. En kamp i ensamhet men också en dröm om ett tillsammans.

With support of Kulturbryggan Konstnärsnämnden.